In 1914, the Association of City School Librarians was formed by a small group of school librarians working in Los Angeles schools, including Ella S. Morgan, the first school librarian in California. Appointed to the experimental position by the principal of Los Angeles High School in 1903, Ella was also expected to work part time as the principal's secretary. She did not let this deter her and forged a completely new path as the school's librarian, drawing from her experience as a city librarian and transforming the defunct library at LA High

School into a fully functional, successful one. After her success in showing the superintendent with Los Angeles City Schools that schools needed librarians, Ella was hired to teach at the newly built Lincoln High School where she remained as the school librarian for the next 27 years.
Under Ella's leadership, the Los Angeles School Librarians Association forged a new path for the California School Library Association, where in August 1915, eight school librarians (including Ella) used LASLA's model to form CSLA.