Become a Member of LASLA!
Membership benefits include:
supporting advocacy for school libraries throughout the Los Angeles area
sharing best practices and integrating services with other teacher librarians
meeting other teacher librarians across the school district to collaborate, support, network, and share ideas
membership directory
LASLA Google Group
social events
monthly organizational meetings (coincide with UTLA Library Professionals Committee and House of Reps)
Membership Dues & Payment (July 1st - June 30th, yearly):
Please select the appropriate payment button below to send your Membership payment.
If paying by check, please send an email to:​
School Librarians.........$30.00​​
Retired & Associate.......$15.00
Membership Form:
​​There are two links to the Google Forms below: one for New Members/Updates and one for Membership Questions/Contact. Please click on the link that best suits your needs, submit the form, and you're done!
Please click on the link below if you are a new LASLA member or you need to make updates/changes to your current membership.
Please click on the link below if you have a membership question or need to contact a LASLA board member.